Become a Friend of the Lied today
Ticket sales provide less than 40% of the funds necessary to bring world-class artists to Lawrence. Your generous financial contribution is critical to the Lied Center and helps make our community a wonderful place to live. Friends of the Lied donations start at $50 and are 100% tax-deductible.
LIEDer ($5,000+)
Add $5,000 donation to cart
- NEW! Opportunity to host a Lied Loves Lawrence Pop-up performance at a location of your choice
Plus all benefits in levels below
FELLOWS ($2,500+)
Add $2,500 donation to cart
- 20% discount on full season and performance packages
- 20% Single performance ticket discount
- Meet and greet with a Lied Center Series artist before or after a performance (as available)
- Special program recognition at a Friends event
Plus all benefits in levels below
BENEFACTOR ($1,000+)
Add $1,000 donation to cart
- 20% discount on full season and performance packages
- 20% Single performance ticket discount
- Reserved parking for Lied Center Series performances
- One free use of the Lied Center’s meeting and reception spaces (some restrictions apply)
Plus all benefits in levels below
PATRON ($500+)
Add $500 donation to cart
- 15% discount on full season and performance packages
- 15% single performance ticket discount
- Free ticket exchange, or Lied Center Series credit, anytime prior to Lied Center Series performances
- Invitation to Intermezzo-complimentary refreshments during intermission at Lied Center Series events
Plus all benefits in levels below
SPONSOR ($250+)
Add $250 donation to cart
- 15% discount on full season and performance packages
- 15% single performance ticket discount
- Free ticket exchange, or Lied Center Series credit, one week + before to Lied Center Series performances
- Invitation to education activities and receptions (as available)
Plus all benefits in levels below
Add $100 donation to cart
- 10% discount on full season and performance packages
- 10% single performance ticket discount
- Free ticket exchange, or Lied Center Series credit, two + weeks before Lied Center Series performance
- Invitations to exclusive Friends-only events
Plus all benefits in the level below
Add $50 donation to cart
- 10% discount on full season and performance packages
- Access to Friends window at the Ticket Office
- Advance ticket purchase
- Pre-sale ticket offer for performances added after the season announcement (if artist allows)
- Opportunity to purchase tickets to the Friends of the Lied exclusive Just Friends Jazz Series
- Same season-to-season seat location for traditional season packages, during Friends pre-sale (not applicable to “Choose Your Own” series)
- Recognition in the Lied Center Series performance programs
- Access to Lied Center e-newsletters
If you already have tickets in your cart, follow these instructions:
- Choose a donation amount and add to cart
- Remove previously selected tickets from your cart
- Re-select tickets using the starred discount Friends price type now available